Tuesday, January 24, 2017



Savile row VS Neapolitan tailoring

In tutta Europa ci sono delle tradizioni sartoriali con eccellenti meriti; in Inghilterra, ad esempio, è famosa la strada londinese di Savile row dove hanno sede i migliori sarti della corte di sua maestà. 

Ma, com'è ovvio pensare, tra la scuola partenopea e quella anglosassone ci sono  caratteristiche ben distinguibili.La giacca napoletana ha nell'attacco della manica e nella costruzione della spalla la sua peculiarità . 
Ma Partiamo proprio dalla manica: essa infatti viene tagliata più stretta e leggermente più corta in modo da mettere in evidenza il polsino della camicia, che regolarmente deve uscire dalla manica di almeno 1 cm e mezzo ,inoltre, nella congiunzione tra spalla e manica viene lasciato un leggero arriccio. Ancora, a differenza delle altre scuole europee, la spalla napoletana presenta solo una leggera imbottitura che rende la sagoma meno squadrata e più in armonia con le forme del corpo. 
Questa tecnica viene definita manica a "camicia" poiché, visivamente, assomiglia molto all'attacco manica di una camicia; viene anche detta manica a "mappina",cioè a mò di straccio, per il tipico effetto increspato. Queste caratteristiche rendono il capo più morbido ed i movimenti più fluidi. 
Si pensa che queste caratteristiche siano dettate dal tipico atteggiamento tutto napoletano  di gesticolare molto durante le conversazioni. Altre caratteristiche sono la tasca in petto denominata a "barca"perché messa leggermente di sbieco e i revers più ampi ma sempre proporzionati alle caratteristiche fisiche del cliente

La Grande Bellezza

Sunday, January 22, 2017



As one of our most luxurious fits, OUR SHIRTS and SUITS fit features a handful of hand-finished details, including a narrow pleated shoulder.It Cut from Neapolitan tailoring traditions, the slightly higher armholes allow for more mobility while creating a sharply tailored silhouette
Our fully-canvassed our suit is made using the best possible construction. Not only does a full floating canvas emit a richer look and more structured feel, but it's also the most durable and flexible option. It allows the jacket to naturally conform to your body's shape and keep it that way.Suits are cut from only the finest quality fabrics and is full of luxurious hand-finished details. The 2 buttons are hand stitched on a shank, again a sign of the craftsmanship involved.
The "dietro arricciato" is a really difficult technique to sew the shirt's back . It give to the shirts a very comfortable fit.  The sleeves is inverted 30 degrees to the front It facilitates the natural movement of the arm.The botton are sewn by hande like a chicken feet , to keep them very strong
We add a little detail,Neapolitan dialect is "a Mosca" becouse is like a small Flies in the hemline below.

Pietro Orza
New York ,January 22 th , 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Napoli ed i suoi "Sartori"


In The same period when Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio lay the foundations of Italian literature, another art was born in Naples.
It was the year 1351 and just in Naples in the St Eligius Church at the Market, was born the Brotherhood of SARTORI (Tailors) ,but in the rest of Italy they didn't know this information about a University of Sartori (Tailor),and they got it just in the 1575.
Pope Gregory XIII founded it in Rome with great enthusiasm, this institution was localyzed in a church exactly in Sant'Omobono church, it still exists. In this modern world full of extreme technology, tablet, smartphone, Neapolitan tailoring resists and preserve its main feautures. It can only be done by hand with a needle and thread as unique working tool . 
It is very strange despite the rampant interference of Technology in all fields, Neapolitan tailoring remains true to itself.
Every needles and cotton threads shot looks like a brushwork of a painter.
Naples has always given birth to tailors who with their fame have crossed national borders, giving prestige to this land affirming to the world a trademark.
Often when i travel for pleasure or business in other country, people recognize me as Italian just to the jacket or coat i wear, sign of "Neapolitan style".


Nello stesso periodo in cui Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio gettavano le basi della letteratura italiana, a Napoli ben altra arte vedeva i natali. Infatti correva l'anno 1351 e proprio a Napoli nella chiesa di Sant'Eligio al mercato, nasceva la confraternita dei Sartori. Mentre nel resto d'italia si ha notizia di un'Università dei Sartori solo nel 1575, fondata  a Roma Per volere di Papa Gregorio Xlll, anche questa istituzione risiedeva in una chiesa e più precisamente nella chiesa di Sant'Omobono, tuttora esistente. In questo mondo moderno fatto di tecnologia estrema, di touch, di smartphone, La sartoria napoletana resiste e si fa conservatrice di un saper fare unico che non può che non essere fatto a mano, con ago e filo come unici strumenti di lavoro. Mi fa strano vedere come nonostante la galoppante ingerenza della tecnologia in tutti campi la sartoria napoletana rimanga uguale a se stessa. Ogni colpo di ago e filo sembra la pennellata di un pittore. Napoli da sempre ha partorito sarti che con la loro fama hanno varcato i confini nazionali, dando lustro a questa terra e affermando nel mondo un marchio di fabbrica. Viaggiando spesso,per piacere e per lavoro,mi capita che all'estero mi riconoscano come Italiano solo per la giacca o il cappotto che indosso, simboli di "Neapolitan style".

Alfonso Orza Montesaro

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Tailors from Naples are back in style

The experiences of Neapolitan suitmakers show the challenges of beauty amid decay..

When it’s made by hand and stitched by hand it means that its form moulds to the body. It lasts longer. It becomes better with time,” he says, turning an unfinished grey cashmere jacket inside out to expose a neat double line of stitches. He is in a dark suit and striped tie. If Italy is a study in contrasts, Naples and its tailors provide one of the most striking. While the southern city is racked by decline and urban decay, some of its streets in the grip of organised crime, the fortunes of its tailors — whose hand-cut, handsewn suits fit with the city’s languor and regal beauty — are rising.
The idea that beauty — for which read fashion, food, culture and tourism — will save Italy is in fashion among the Italian political and business elite. The possibilities and the limits of the idea seem to be encapsulated by Naples tailors.....The experiences of Neapolitan suit makers show the challenges of beauty amid decay..

Naples, a Haven of Hand Work

Over the last century, the personal tailor, working one to one with a client, has become as symbolic of Naples as its Roman sculptures and Baroque churches. Many men socializing with friends on the city streets or sitting on public benches wear elegant jackets, in tweed or linen, lightweight, unstructured — and indisputably tailor made.
And the Neapolitan tailors seem to be more successful than the chaotic city itself in moving further into the 21st century. Like the waters of the bay that rise and fall along the coastline, they have had good years and bad. But, today, the bespoke suit is back and doing well, even against the challenge of factory-made ready to wear.
To show that the tide of tailoring has turned, the big names in Naples have opened stores around the world. They also fly experts to their clients or offer them a home-away-from-home welcome in Italy.


Pietro Orza
New York January 18th ,2017